How to install winrar files games
How to install winrar files games

how to install winrar files games

how to install winrar files games

Step 1: Open the Prison Architect Workshop and find a mod that suits you. Windows OS or any system that can run the above.


mod files on Prison Architect can be quite the task, but I wanted to explain how to do that today. Please MSG me if this doesn't work with your problem, I hope you enjoy! mod files! If you use this in a video, give credit to this Wiki link. 11.1 Open Prison Architect and go to Extras - Mods - (mod's name) - and click the blank checkmark by the Mod Name andd! Congrats! You now know how to use.10.1 Paste folder in: C:\Users\% Username %\AppData\Local\Introversion\Prison Architect\mods.9.1 Paste mod files in the new folder you created!.8.1 Create a file on your desktop with your mods name! (Right Click -> New -> Folder -> (name folder mods EXACT name!).7 Step 6: rename the file to (mod name).rar.3.1 Open the Steam Workshop Downloader and enter the Steam Community file details link.2.1 Open the Prison Architect Workshop and find a mod that suits you.

How to install winrar files games